Updated Conference Information
The host hotel for the Biennial Conference is close to being full. We have booked more rooms for this conference than ever before. For this reason an overflow hotel has been acquired and you can begin to book at this new location. You can book at the Holiday Inn by clicking here.
Transportation will be provided to the the host hotel for evening events by the local lodge, so there will be no need to worry about after hours transportation.
If you are attending then be sure to complete a registration form and pay your registration fee. The form is attached or can be found by clicking here.
Thibodaux Lodge #52 will host this year's biennial conference. Below you will find the hotel information to share with your delegates for booking. Note: Crescent City #2 members please contact your lodge before booking.
The dates of the conference are July 29 to August 1. More details on the specific conference agenda will be forthcoming.
We have a room block reserved at Hampton Inn & Suites Thibodaux. The final date to book a room is June 14th. Booking your room is simple, just follow the link below. Use the code: FRAT. ORDER POLICE.
We're looking forward to seeing you in July!
CLICK HERE NOW to book your room.