Introducing The 2023 Regular Session Legislative Guide

Over the past several weeks, the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police Legislative Committee has been meticulously preparing for the 2024 regular legislative session, closely monitoring the bills that have been filed and understanding their potential impact on our members and the broader law enforcement community. In these crucial times, our collaboration with our esteemed governmental liaisons, Mapes and Mapes, has been invaluable. Their expertise and insights have enabled us to navigate the complexities of the legislative landscape effectively.
As the session progresses, the importance of engaging in grassroots advocacy cannot be overstated. Through our Voter Voice system, we have the power to make our collective voice heard, ensuring that the interests and concerns of law enforcement officers are represented at every level of decision-making. This tool enables us to mobilize our members quickly, facilitating a robust response to legislative developments that affect us directly.
We urge every member to remain actively involved in our advocacy efforts. Your participation is critical in shaping the outcomes of this legislative session, influencing policies that directly impact our profession and the communities we serve. Together, with unity and determination, we can effect meaningful change and continue to safeguard the rights and well-being of law enforcement officers across Louisiana.
Click the cover to open the legislative guide.