The Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police (LAFOP) was chartered in 1954

Comprised of 36 Lodges statewide with nearly 6,000 members — active and retired — in local law enforcement.
Our Benefits
We support charities such as Easter Seals, Special Olympics Torch Run, Sunshine Kids, Southern Law Enforcement Foundation (Critical Incident Response Team Program) and a DWI awareness campaign, on top of special community projects funded and provided by local lodges.
The FOP in Louisiana has for years supported The Critical Incident Response Team Program. Not only is it a benefit to our members but also benefits every Law Enforcement Officer in the State and that’s what we’re about.
Provide Disaster relief through our network of lodges when tragedy strikes a local area.
From the National Lodge, dependents of an Officer killed in the line of duty are eligible for the FOP’s Steve Young Scholarship program.
The State Legislative Committee is working on the concerns of Louisiana Law Enforcement Officers in the Legislature and keeps the membership informed.
E-mail alerts are sent directly to members informing them of current events.
Gives members the opportunity to have discounted protection plans for 24 hour disability and other insurances.
The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest police organization with over 328,000 local, state, federal, and retired law enforcement members in over 2,100 Local Lodges in 49 states. The FOP has championed improving the law enforcement profession.