Update On Clemency Hearings For Cop Killers
In August, the Louisiana FOP stood in opposing clemency hearings of LA death row inmates (including convicted cop killers). The delegates at the National FOP (66th Biennial) Conference voted unanimously to pass a Resolution and stood with their Brothers and Sisters in Louisiana to OPPOSE these hearings.
Recently East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore filed an injunction to halt clemency hearings for death row inmates.
The Louisiana Pardon Board has scheduled four dates of hearings for 20 of those inmates between October 13 and November 27 in Baton Rouge.
Due to security concerns, the number of people attending hearings, including victims and/or family members of victims, will be limited to 10 people for support and 10 people for opposition.
You can show your support by attending through ZOOM, which can be used with internet or your smartphone. The ZOOM Video Conferencing will allow for observation and comment by members of the public. If you do not plan to speak, and wish only to observe, you can watch the hearing live on YouTube.
If you attend by ZOOM you must register on the morning of the hearing by signing into ZOOM Registration meeting and use the meeting ID, 986-320-2809. Registration begins at 7:15 am and ends at 8:30 am.
Another option is to provide public comment. This can be done prior to the hearing. Any public comment received will be read during the meeting, except those provided by victims, which will be keep confidential. Up to 5:00 pm on the day before the hearing, you can Email the Board, which must include the offender’s name and DOC number, your name and a statement.
You can still send a VoterVoice to the Parson Board by clicking here to tell them you OPPOSE the hearings.