National FOP Passes Resolution Regarding Clemency

National FOP passes Resolution regarding clemency

Today the delegates of the 66th Biennial National FOP conference unanimously approved our resolution to encourage the Louisiana Pardon Board to halt the clemency hearings of death row inmates requested by the Governor Edwards.

Whereas, the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police opposes the clemency hearings granted by the Louisiana Pardon Board at the request of Governor Edwards, a term limited elected official.

Whereas, this strong arm tactic by a lame duck Governor to bring these hearings forward in front of over 400 previously filed hearings is appalling.

Whereas, Every death row inmate has been convicted according to law and sentenced to death by Louisiana law.

Whereas, the victims of these horrific crimes are being denied closure by an attempt to commute the sentences of these offenders.

Whereas, three of these inmates have killed police officers, Betty Smothers (Baton Rouge Police Department), Steven Vincent (Louisiana State Police), Ronald Williams (New Orleans Police Department) Brandon Nielsen and Jeremy Triche (Saint John the Baptist Sheriff).

Whereas, they are not the only victims of horrific crimes but are our sister and brothers in law enforcement and we will not stand by idly without objection.

Whereas, this is just one more way this Governor has shown he is not a supporter of the criminal justice system in Louisiana chosen by the people.

The Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police humbly asks the delegates of the 66th Biennial Conference of the National Fraternal Order of Police to join us and object to the continuation of these proceedings which allows the victims to unnecessarily relive these horrible nightmares of the loss of their loved ones, a rushed process that will one day release a killer back into society.


Delegates from the State of Louisiana

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