Mid South Tornado Response

The National Fraternal Order of Police has issued a call for volunteers to the Mid South Torando disaster team.  See the National FOP statement below.

National Disaster Area Response Activation

The National FOP Disaster Area Response Team (DART) has been activated and will be deploying to Mayfield, Kentucky in the next 24-48 hours to provide rehab to the first responders in the community and remediation to first responders' homes. This is still in the preliminary stages, so information is limited.

What you can expect to do as part of this response is general food preparation, cooking, and food service as well as responding to residences in the affected area to remove trees and debris from homes and apply tarps as well as other protections to these homes so that first responders in the area can continue to serve their community.

Keep in mind that the community we are responding to is devastated. They will not have hotels, services, or the comforts of home. You will be responding to this area with the expectation of primitive living conditions; you will likely be living in the same conditions of those people who you are aiding. You will be well-fed but come prepared to care for yourselves while there. This means bring appropriate sleeping gear and toiletries.

Additionally, this is a volunteer effort. We do not have the ability to pay salaries or reimburse for travel or lodging expenses. Traveling in groups is recommended. Keep this in mind as you consider your response.

Finally, this is expected to be a long-term deployment, so if you are unable to respond in the initial wave, we will likely be looking for additional responders in the coming days and weeks.

If you are willing, able, and available to respond, please go to the following link and complete the form so we can make appropriate arrangements.

Donate to the National FOP Foundation, https://fop.net/donate


