Stay Connected-Week Of February 13
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Legislative Session

The 2022 Regular Legislative Session is just around the corner. The session convenes on Monday, March 14 and will adjourn no later than June 6. Legislation is being tracked by the legislative committee. We will publish the legislative guide as the session start day draws closer.
From Greenwood Lodge #49
Overnight, Sr. Ofc. Harris was on patrol when he received a phone call that his home was on fire. Sr. Ofc. Harris' wife died in that fire and his 14 year old grandson was injured and is in the hospital.
The house was a total loss.
Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.We have set up an account for monetary donations at the Hancock Whitney Bank in Greenwood if anyone would like to donate to the family during this time. You can drive up or mail a check to Hancock Whitney Bank in the name of LAUN DALE HARRIS, JR BENEFIT FUND.
There is NO GoFund me account associated with this tragedy.
Blue View Podcast
The National Fraternal Order of Police introduces its “Blue View” podcast.. Watch the trailer. FIrst episode drops this Tuesday.

FOP Free College
Did you know that the Fraternal Order of Police has a free college program for members and dependants? Click here to find out more.