🚨 Action Now On Retirement Legislation

Help support the officers and families of the Municipal Police Employees Retirement System members.

We're at a crucial moment where your participation can really make a difference. With discussions about pension legislation underway in this legislative session, it’s essential that our voices are heard by those making the decisions. These laws directly affect our futures and the stability we’ve worked hard for.

This is a call to action for each of you to reach out to your legislators. Let them know the importance of considering pension legislation that supports our police officers. It’s a simple step, but it carries a lot of weight in ensuring that our interests and security are kept front and center.

Even if you are not a member of this retirement system you can help by standing with municipal officers. By standing united and communicating with our legislators, we can influence positive outcomes for our community. Your voice matters in shaping the policies that protect our futures. You can take action now by following this link, https://www.votervoice.net/LAFOP/campaigns/113169/respond, and sending a VoterVoice email to your legislator.

Thank you for taking the time to support this cause. Your effort today is an investment in a more secure tomorrow for all of us. Let’s make our voices heard.

