Fraternal Order of Police
We hope the members of the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police and our guests find this website helpful and informative. We would like the website to serve as a tool to facilitate an effective means of communication between our valued members and its visitors.
Our goal as the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police is to ensure that our membership receives the tools it needs to better serve and protect the public, our children, businesses, homes, property, and the dream of a better future for our families.
To help us better serve you and our community we share, please feel free to join our mission by participating in any of our events or donating toward our cause.
Donate Today!
Thank you for supporting your Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police and our membership of law enforcement professionals throughout the state in our efforts to make Louisiana communities safer places to live and raise our children.
The Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police (LAFOP) was chartered in 1954 and is comprised of 36 Lodges statewide with nearly 6,000 members — active and retired — in local law enforcement.

The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest police organization with over 328,000 local, state, federal, and retired law enforcement members in over 2,100 Local Lodges in 49 states.

Every year the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police donates time and money to numerous charities, groups and organizations locally and globally.
Benefits of the FOP
Contact Info
P.O. Box 1479
Abita Springs, LA. 70420
Phone: (225) 343-8367
Latest News

Actively Involved in Legislative Matters
Your Louisiana FOP has played an active and impactful role in the following bills and legislative actions in our State:

Support the Community
The FOP is involved with numerous benevolent and worthy community causes including:
Stay Up To Date
Stay up to date with all the latest LAFOP news.
Sign up to recieve email notifications on events, fundraisers and all LAFOP updates.
Join The LAFOP
Membership is open to all active or retired full-time law enforcement officers regardless of race, sex, creed, religion or rank. The Grand Lodge is governed by trustees, representatives from each State Lodge, and an Executive Board, which is elected bi-annually at the National Conference.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the LAFOP join below.
In The Community
Your donation...
✓ Will support local programs.
✓ Can be made online.
✓ Can be given in honor of a friend or a loved one.